Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Hymns for Labor and Birth

I'm sort of in the process of compiling a few songs play during this next birth. Most people know that it is a good idea to try to relax as much as possible during labor, but a birth class instructor once told me that a better word than "relax" would be "surrender". I think I've found the perfect hymn for labor (the refrain, in particular). Hopefully someone will sing this to me... or at least pray the lyrics over me... or at the very least, play the darn track on the CD!

I Surrender All

1.      All to Jesus I surrender; 
        all to him I freely give; 
        I will ever love and trust him, 
        in his presence daily live. 
        I surrender all, I surrender all, 
        all to thee, my blessed Savior, 
        I surrender all. 

2.      All to Jesus I surrender; 
        humbly at his feet I bow, 
        worldly pleasures all forsaken; 
        take me, Jesus, take me now. 

3.      All to Jesus I surrender; 
        make me, Savior, wholly thine; 
        fill me with thy love and power; 
        truly know that thou art mine. 

4.      All to Jesus I surrender; 
        Lord, I give myself to thee; 
        fill me with thy love and power; 
        let thy blessing fall on me. 

5.      All to Jesus I surrender; 
        now I feel the sacred flame. 
        O the joy of full salvation! 
        Glory, glory, to his name! 

During the birth of my son, I had brought some world music to listen to. This turned out to be an awful idea, because the heavy percussion beats were nerve-wracking. This time, I've specifically chosen Jadon Lavik's version of this hymn, because it seemed to be the most relaxing one.

I welcome your comments. What songs did you listen to while in labor? Were you annoyed at the thought of listening to music?


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